I commented too quickly...I didn't read the rest of your email before my last comment. In your email you moved from "political turmoil" to climate change??? "If you have the means, prepare against the wild nature of our changing climate and have supplies on hand to last through a week-long emergency." What??? The wild nature of our changing climate? What has happened to you? Should we all get tripled vaxxxed, wear a mask inside, and move to the mountains (at least it won't be cold there, correct?) I also noticed you are flying the Ukrainian Flag on your email (advertisement? mmm...). Will you allow someone to advertise in Support of Israel? and fly the Israeli Flag? (taking bets you won't)...What a way to start the New Year - being totally let down by one of your marketing heroes. Stick to marketing... Signed, - not angry, not right wing - just heart broken...

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I absolutely love your insights and look forward to your email. Your books have helped my business tremendously. I was shocked you posted this: "We already had armed conflict during the previous election cycle, with insurrectionists storming the halls of Congress. There's no reason to believe that trend will stop." Armed conflict? Insurrectionists? Et Tu Brute? My heart is broken.

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Thank you for yet another insightful post. II starred this in my email inbox. I'll be coming back to this post periodically throughout 2024. Wishing you Chris and all your loved ones a safe, happy, healthy, and prosperous 2024.

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